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5st - Nöt-Créme 18G

Species. no: WEB224 Weight: 0.09 kg


2.40kr /st

allergen_contains Jordnötter, Nötter

allergen_may_contain SC


Socker, vegetabiliska oljor och fetter (raps, fullhärdad kokos), hasselnötter, jordnötter, kakao, naturlig vanilj, emulgator (solroslecitin)

Nutritional content per 100 g
Nutrient Amount
nutrients_ENER_kJ 2445.0 kJ
nutrients_ENER_kcal 600.0 kcal
nutrients_CHOAVL_g 55.0 g
nutrients_SUGAR_g 52.0 g
nutrients_FAT_g 38.0 g
nutrients_FASAT_g 19.0 g
nutrients_PRO_g 6.0 g
nutrients_NACL_g 0.0001 g
nutrients_SALTEQ_g 0.0001 g
NOTE! It is always the list of ingredients on the package that applies