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Popcorn Chili & Raspberry 170g

Species. no: WEB305598566 Weight: 0.17 kg Bäst före: 27 November 2024


45.00kr /st

allergen_contains Sojabönor

se/dk/no 170g karamelliserade popcorn. Ingredienser: socker/sukker (39%), majskorn/majskerner/maiskorn (29,7%), glukossirap/glukosesirup, kokosolja/kokosolie/kokosolje, emuleringsmedel/emulgator, (sojalecitin/sojalecithin (E322)), surgetsreglerande/surhedsreglerande/surhetsregulerende medel/middel- citronsyra (E330), salt, arom (hallon och vit choklad), färgämnen (curcumin (E120), Karin (E100), antrocyan (E163)), chilismakblandning (2%), (solrosolja, rödpepparextrakt, svartpepparextrakt). gmo free
Nutritional content per 100 g
Nutrient Amount
nutrients_ENER_kcal 470.9 kcal
nutrients_CHOAVL_g 80.4 g
nutrients_SUGAR_g 39.1 g
nutrients_FAT_g 15.5 g
nutrients_FASAT_g 12.1 g
nutrients_PRO_g 2.5 g
nutrients_SALTEQ_g 0.3 g
NOTE! It is always the list of ingredients on the package that applies